Tim always lets me pick where we go out to eat, so for our anniversary I had him chose. His choice? AMF bowling, complete with pizza and drinks. I almost beat him once! We were so tired we were only out for an hour and a half. Then we came home, watched a movie, gave Jack his nebulizer and went to bed. Party animals, I know.
I wanted to take a moment to brag on my husband. I think he's afraid I'll use this site to not only be honest about motherhood, but to complain about him. :) Well that's not happening today.
The other day I meant to mention how Tim has been so wonderful in taking care of me while I take care of Jack. Well, I'll say it now. He's been wonderful. On Tuesday, Tim was working when I called and told him how sick Jack was. I was so freaked out by the diagnosis that Tim was concerned about me. He wanted me to call a friend and have them come over to be with me that day, but I felt silly doing that. Since I wouldn't do that, he called my friends and had them call me to make sure I was okay. Then he brought home dinner. That may not seem like much to some, but it was very comforting to me.
He's great in other ways too. You know how I said I've been feeling fat? He continues to reassure me that I'm beautiful - even though he gets really really sick of repeating himself. :)
And for our anniversary, he bought me the 25th Anniversary edition of "The Cosby Show" which I have been talking about getting for months! It came in the mail a couple of weeks ago and I guessed what it was immediately so we opened it then. I was sooooo excited and surprised that he bought it. (By the way - we're returning it because the discs are really poor quality. Most of them skip or don't work. HUGE disappointment. Don't buy it.)
Tim does a lot of stuff around the house too. He does the dishes (my least favorite chore) and washes and stuffs the diapers. He massages my feet (at times) and takes Jack so I won't run away. :) Oh, and he makes really good soup. That is also comforting.
I love you too