Today was our tri-monthly WIC appointment. For those of you who don’t know, WIC stands for Women Infants and Children. It is a federal program run by the USDA Food & Nutrition Service which provides “supplemental foods, health care referrals, and nutrition education for low-income pregnant, breastfeeding, and non-breastfeeding postpartum women, and to infants and children up to age five who are found to be at nutritional risk.”[1]
In a word, it’s a blessing.
Since January, we have received checks which have purchased us 6 gallons of milk, 2 dozen eggs, 2 boxes of baby cereal, way more cheese than we could ever eat, carrots, cereal, tuna, and beans every single month. And today I was shocked to discover that Jack and I would receive even more food through WIC. On top of the food I already received, I’ll be able to purchase $10 of produce and 16 oz of whole wheat bread. Jack on the other hand now receives 60 jars of fruits and vegetables and 31 jars of meat!! Every single month! Wow!
Money is really tight right now and I have been making my own baby food in order to save money. But honestly, there is not much a difference between my food and Gerber’s and it is a heck of a lot easier to open a jar than to take the time to cook, puree and freeze a variety of fruits and vegetables. So when Sue, our WIC lady, showed me our new package I felt as though someone gave me a precious gift. I am so relieved to know Jack will be well fed.
This is so great for Jack. While he hasn’t complained about having the same five fruits and veggies until I make another, I am excited for the variety of foods he will now be able to experience. Plus, I was not looking forward to pureeing chicken and beef. Gross.
So, whoever took the initiative to form WIC, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for remembering the mothers who want to eat healthy and feed their children well, but often can’t afford the food. Thank you for standing up for us and taking care of us. Today you blessed me and my baby Jack.
Thank you.
(p.s. According to the WIC scale Jack now weighs 18lbs 8.5oz. No wonder my back is breaking!)
[1] http://www.fns.usda.gov/wic/
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