A couple of weeks ago we started preparing to feed Jack solids. I think there should be a solids starter kit with all of the necessities. Bowls, spoons, bibs, booster seat that will also support those babies in the "supported sitter" stage, recipe books, and possibly even a food processor of some sort.
Needless to say, when everything was together, I was really excited to start feeding him. I was surprised to find that those first bites of rice cereals was more like feeding him breast milk on a spoon and started trying to thicken it up a bit. The feedings were going really well a couple of days ago. I couldn't get the spoon to Jack's mouth fast enough for him!

Yesterday and today, however, Jack has rejected the solid food. He won't open his mouth one bit and today he wouldn't even make eye contact! Is that normal? Maybe it's because I used a stiffer, water-proof bib instead of the cotton one in the pic above. Maybe I made the cereal too thick. I don't know. I'm not concerned because he still is fairly young. I just don't know if I should keep trying or perhaps give it a few days and then try again. Any suggestions?
When we started cereal, our doctor told us to start out really runny and then after a few weeks gradually make it thicker and thicker. That way he gets used to the consistency. As for when you get to fruits and veggies, I made my own baby food and it was so easy and cheap and I used this website...wholesomebabyfood.com, it is great! It has some tips on starting out too. Also, we got the kiddopautomas plastic bibs and they are so great b/c they catch all the food! You can get them at babiesrus. Here is what they look like...www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000TVXJ9Y